I feel so happy right now because I have such a wonderful loving man in my life. I am so lucky that I found such a great man to be with.
It has been a year and a half with my boyfriend and I feel like the luckiest woman right now. All he keeps saying he wants for me is to be happy all the time. I will tell you I have never felt this happy with anyone else. I will always love him with all of my heart and soul. He is everything to me and I hope you knows that. He is a very special man. He really knows how to treat lady. He is very faithful to me too. Don't get me wrong we do have are bad days but we work it all out. In any relationship the main thing is communication. That is what is important to me. That is what we have and let me tell you it is good that way.
He is really good with my kids and his son. I know I have said this in another post I did but he does treat my kids like they are his kids. He loves them all the same. I am very lucky in that sense. Because I didn't know how that would all turn out at the beginning.
When I found out that my son's girlfriend was pregnant with my granddaughter my son gave us a card. On the card it said to Grandma and Grandpa. Yes saying my boyfriend is her Grandpa. I started to cry when I seen that.
The only thing is I miss my dad so much right now. This was his favorite time of the year with all the Christmas decorations. He has been gone for about fifteen years.
Friday when I came home from work I had another rose laying on the bed with a card. This one thing he does once in awhile to surprise me. I couldn't believe it when he did it the first time.
Yes I am really sentimental right now. This is just some things I have been thinking about lately so I just thought I would share it with everyone.
All of this is why I am saying I am so lucky. My boyfriend, our kids, our families and all of our friends and friends online means so much to me.
I am leaving you with a video and I would really like to hear your comments!♥
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Bears Week #12
Yes the Bears lost to the Raiders 20-25 yesterday.
Hanie completed 18 of 36 passes. With three interceptions by the Raiders first half. He also 254 yards passing and the Bears totaled a seasons best 401 yards of offense.
In the fourth quarter Hanie threw a 81 yard pass to Knox. Then Davis came in and Hanie threw a 9 yard touchdown pass to him.
Cutler was on the sideline with his hand all wrapped up. Cutler was talking to Hanie on the sideline too. I just hope he is giving Hanie some ideas of how to have some confidence on the field.
The defense was on fire yesterday. They did a really good job keeping the Raiders from scoring touchdowns.
I did miss some of the first half because I had to work. But when I came home and seen the score I was not happy.
Here are some of my thoughts why they didn't win the game. When they practice I think the starting quarterback gets the most practice time. I don't think the second and third string get as much time to practice. I think that is a lot of the problem for yesterday's game. Hanie didn't get his share of practice time like Cutler always gets. So now everyone is going to pick on him because of that. I think he did a good job for his first time starting a game.
I would really like to hear your thoughts about the game!♥
Hanie completed 18 of 36 passes. With three interceptions by the Raiders first half. He also 254 yards passing and the Bears totaled a seasons best 401 yards of offense.
In the fourth quarter Hanie threw a 81 yard pass to Knox. Then Davis came in and Hanie threw a 9 yard touchdown pass to him.
Cutler was on the sideline with his hand all wrapped up. Cutler was talking to Hanie on the sideline too. I just hope he is giving Hanie some ideas of how to have some confidence on the field.
The defense was on fire yesterday. They did a really good job keeping the Raiders from scoring touchdowns.
I did miss some of the first half because I had to work. But when I came home and seen the score I was not happy.
Here are some of my thoughts why they didn't win the game. When they practice I think the starting quarterback gets the most practice time. I don't think the second and third string get as much time to practice. I think that is a lot of the problem for yesterday's game. Hanie didn't get his share of practice time like Cutler always gets. So now everyone is going to pick on him because of that. I think he did a good job for his first time starting a game.
I would really like to hear your thoughts about the game!♥
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
Yes I am writing this early. I have to work tomorrow and on Thanksgiving Day. I just wanted to make sure that I posted this for everyone.
This has been a National Holiday since 1863 and it was proclaimed by President Abraham Lincoln. This was during the Civil War.
The first Thanksgiving was to give thanks to God for guiding them safely to the new world. The Pilgrims and the Native Americans got together for a feast that lasted for three days. Sometimes I think that people forget what this Holiday is all about. It is about giving thanks for everything that we have. To celebrate our thanks with the people we love and to thank God for what we do have.
This is the day to be thankful for everything you have. I am so thankful for being with the most wonderful man in the world, our kids, my granddaughter, my boyfriends granddaughter, our families and friends.
Last year for Thanksgiving we went up north to spend it with my family and my boyfriends family. But this year I have to work on Thanksgiving so we can't make it. My family will be at my sisters house and my boyfriends parents are out of state this year. My two older kids will not be with us this year. It will be my boyfriend, my younger daughter, my boyfriends two kids and his granddaughter.
This is the first year I will not be spending the Holiday with my family. That is alright because I am with my boyfriend. He is the sweetest man and I love him with all of my heart. I will miss being with my family and his family. My older daughter has to work that is why she will not be able to make it. My son is going to be with his dad. I do understand why my older two kids will not make it.
Since I have to work my boyfriend has to get dinner started. This will be the first time he is making a turkey so I am getting some stuff started tomorrow for him. Then I will leave instructions for him what to do. He will be alright and I know it.
I hope everyone has a safe and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
This has been a National Holiday since 1863 and it was proclaimed by President Abraham Lincoln. This was during the Civil War.
The first Thanksgiving was to give thanks to God for guiding them safely to the new world. The Pilgrims and the Native Americans got together for a feast that lasted for three days. Sometimes I think that people forget what this Holiday is all about. It is about giving thanks for everything that we have. To celebrate our thanks with the people we love and to thank God for what we do have.
This is the day to be thankful for everything you have. I am so thankful for being with the most wonderful man in the world, our kids, my granddaughter, my boyfriends granddaughter, our families and friends.
Last year for Thanksgiving we went up north to spend it with my family and my boyfriends family. But this year I have to work on Thanksgiving so we can't make it. My family will be at my sisters house and my boyfriends parents are out of state this year. My two older kids will not be with us this year. It will be my boyfriend, my younger daughter, my boyfriends two kids and his granddaughter.
This is the first year I will not be spending the Holiday with my family. That is alright because I am with my boyfriend. He is the sweetest man and I love him with all of my heart. I will miss being with my family and his family. My older daughter has to work that is why she will not be able to make it. My son is going to be with his dad. I do understand why my older two kids will not make it.
Since I have to work my boyfriend has to get dinner started. This will be the first time he is making a turkey so I am getting some stuff started tomorrow for him. Then I will leave instructions for him what to do. He will be alright and I know it.
I hope everyone has a safe and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Bears Week #11
Yes the Bears beat the Chargers 31-20. I did miss some of the first quarter because I was on my way home from work.
This is the Bears 5th straight win. I can't believe it myself. This is great for them.
I just found out this morning that Cutler has a broken thumb and he may be out the rest of the season now. This is going to hurt the team big time. He is expected to be out for about six weeks. It happened in the fourth quarter during an interception Cutler got knocked down by linebacker Donald Butler. Cutler had 286 yards throwing, passing, two touchdowns and ran one in himself.
The defense was on fire last night too. The did a great job keeping the Chargers from making anymore touchdowns.
The offense did a great job protecting Cutler to make all the long passes. I seen the one pass when he had someone holding his ankle. That was awesome.
I would like to hear your thoughts about the game!♥
This is the Bears 5th straight win. I can't believe it myself. This is great for them.
I just found out this morning that Cutler has a broken thumb and he may be out the rest of the season now. This is going to hurt the team big time. He is expected to be out for about six weeks. It happened in the fourth quarter during an interception Cutler got knocked down by linebacker Donald Butler. Cutler had 286 yards throwing, passing, two touchdowns and ran one in himself.
The defense was on fire last night too. The did a great job keeping the Chargers from making anymore touchdowns.
The offense did a great job protecting Cutler to make all the long passes. I seen the one pass when he had someone holding his ankle. That was awesome.
I would like to hear your thoughts about the game!♥
Friday, November 18, 2011
My Review on Alabama For The Record Album!
I choose this album today because this really tells you how well the band has done all the years they have been together before they retired. This album has two disc's of the best music.
I have been listening to them from when the first album came out. This is one of my favorite bands. I am trying to get their whole collection one album at a time. I did have most of them until my ex sold them. Their music is country rock type.
Three of the band members are cousins and the drummer they hired after the original quit.
I am going to try to make this as short as I can about the songs because there is so many. My thoughts about each song!
Five O'Clock 500- This is a good song for them. I do like this one.
Keeping Up- This song is alright but not one of my favorites.
How Do You Fall In Love- This is one of there really good ballads. I like this one.
Tennessee River- This is a really good song and I do like this one. It is one of their first songs.
Why Lady Why- This is another good song from them.
Old Flame- This one is about one of them after they broke up with a girlfriend and it is a really good brake up song.
Feels So Right- I really like this song it reminds me of my boyfriend and how much I love him.
Love In The First Degree- This is a good song and the instrumentals on this song is so good.
Mountain Music- This is one of their best instrumental songs. I love this song. This is about how they grew up down south. You have to listen to this song and the way the fiddle is in here is awesome.
Take Me Down- I do really good song too.
Close Enough To Perfect- This is a good song and is how they feel about their wives.
Dixieland Delight- This is one of their first songs and I really like it.
The Closer You Get- It is a good song and I do like it.
Lady Down On Love- This is another ballad and a good one.
Roll On (Eighteen Wheeler)- This is a really good song. I like this one because I do have some friends that are truck drivers and this song always reminds me of them.
When We Make Love- It is a really good ballad from them.
If You're Gonna Play In Texas( You Gotta Have A Fiddle In The Band)- This is an awesome song from them. When they played this in concert the Confederate flag comes down. I seen it.
(There's A) Fire In The Night- This is a good song.
There's No Way- This is a really good song. It tells someone that you love how much they mean to you. This song is how I feel about my boyfriend.
40 Hour Week (For A Livin")- This is about the blue collar workers. I love this song it is awesome. They did this for all the fans trying to find the money to come to see them in concert.
Can't Keep A Good Man Down- This is a great song.
She and I- This is an awesome song.
Touch Me When We're Dancing- This is a really great song I do like it.
You've Got The Touch- This is a really good song.
Face To Face- This is a ballad but the song and the music is really good on this song.
Fallin' Again- This is a good song not my favorite. But the music is really good on it.
Song Of The South- This is a really great song. I do like this one.
If I Had You- This is a ballad but a great song.
High Cotton- This is a great song. This also tells you how the lead singer grew up.
Southern Star- This is an awesome song. The music is great too.
Jukebox In My Memory- The beginning you hear the coin going in the jukebox. The song is great.
Forever Is As Far As I'll Go- This is an awesome ballad. I really like this one. It reminds me of the first time I met my boyfriend.
Down Home- This is a great song and the music is awesome.
Here We Are- Is a great song I really like this one.
Then Again- This song is alright not one I really like.
Born Country- This is an awesome song and awesome music. This is one of their first songs too.
I'm In A Hurry (And Don't Know Why)- This song is really good. It is like me sometimes when I have a day off of work.
Once Upon A Lifetime- This is alright but not my favorite.
Hometown Honeymoon- This is a great song and I really like this song.
Reckless- This is a really good song and I do like it a lot.
Give Me One More Shot- I love this song. The song and the music is awesome.
She Ain't You're Ordinary Girl- The music and the song is awesome on this song.
In Picture's- This is an awesome ballad. This is my favorite balled by them. It tells you how they felt being on the road and seeing their kids grown up.
Sad Lookin' Moon- This is alright not my favorite song.
I have seen them in concert and they are awesome to see. Like I said before this is an awesome band and one of my favorite band's. If they were to come back together and do another concert I would go to see them. They were always there for the fans. This is the kind of band I like that thinks of the fans too.
I would like to know what you think of this album. Please leave your comments. I am leaving you with one of my favorite songs off this album!♥
I have been listening to them from when the first album came out. This is one of my favorite bands. I am trying to get their whole collection one album at a time. I did have most of them until my ex sold them. Their music is country rock type.
Three of the band members are cousins and the drummer they hired after the original quit.
I am going to try to make this as short as I can about the songs because there is so many. My thoughts about each song!
Five O'Clock 500- This is a good song for them. I do like this one.
Keeping Up- This song is alright but not one of my favorites.
How Do You Fall In Love- This is one of there really good ballads. I like this one.
Tennessee River- This is a really good song and I do like this one. It is one of their first songs.
Why Lady Why- This is another good song from them.
Old Flame- This one is about one of them after they broke up with a girlfriend and it is a really good brake up song.
Feels So Right- I really like this song it reminds me of my boyfriend and how much I love him.
Love In The First Degree- This is a good song and the instrumentals on this song is so good.
Mountain Music- This is one of their best instrumental songs. I love this song. This is about how they grew up down south. You have to listen to this song and the way the fiddle is in here is awesome.
Take Me Down- I do really good song too.
Close Enough To Perfect- This is a good song and is how they feel about their wives.
Dixieland Delight- This is one of their first songs and I really like it.
The Closer You Get- It is a good song and I do like it.
Lady Down On Love- This is another ballad and a good one.
Roll On (Eighteen Wheeler)- This is a really good song. I like this one because I do have some friends that are truck drivers and this song always reminds me of them.
When We Make Love- It is a really good ballad from them.
If You're Gonna Play In Texas( You Gotta Have A Fiddle In The Band)- This is an awesome song from them. When they played this in concert the Confederate flag comes down. I seen it.
(There's A) Fire In The Night- This is a good song.
There's No Way- This is a really good song. It tells someone that you love how much they mean to you. This song is how I feel about my boyfriend.
40 Hour Week (For A Livin")- This is about the blue collar workers. I love this song it is awesome. They did this for all the fans trying to find the money to come to see them in concert.
Can't Keep A Good Man Down- This is a great song.
She and I- This is an awesome song.
Touch Me When We're Dancing- This is a really great song I do like it.
You've Got The Touch- This is a really good song.
Face To Face- This is a ballad but the song and the music is really good on this song.
Fallin' Again- This is a good song not my favorite. But the music is really good on it.
Song Of The South- This is a really great song. I do like this one.
If I Had You- This is a ballad but a great song.
High Cotton- This is a great song. This also tells you how the lead singer grew up.
Southern Star- This is an awesome song. The music is great too.
Jukebox In My Memory- The beginning you hear the coin going in the jukebox. The song is great.
Forever Is As Far As I'll Go- This is an awesome ballad. I really like this one. It reminds me of the first time I met my boyfriend.
Down Home- This is a great song and the music is awesome.
Here We Are- Is a great song I really like this one.
Then Again- This song is alright not one I really like.
Born Country- This is an awesome song and awesome music. This is one of their first songs too.
I'm In A Hurry (And Don't Know Why)- This song is really good. It is like me sometimes when I have a day off of work.
Once Upon A Lifetime- This is alright but not my favorite.
Hometown Honeymoon- This is a great song and I really like this song.
Reckless- This is a really good song and I do like it a lot.
Give Me One More Shot- I love this song. The song and the music is awesome.
She Ain't You're Ordinary Girl- The music and the song is awesome on this song.
In Picture's- This is an awesome ballad. This is my favorite balled by them. It tells you how they felt being on the road and seeing their kids grown up.
Sad Lookin' Moon- This is alright not my favorite song.
I have seen them in concert and they are awesome to see. Like I said before this is an awesome band and one of my favorite band's. If they were to come back together and do another concert I would go to see them. They were always there for the fans. This is the kind of band I like that thinks of the fans too.
I would like to know what you think of this album. Please leave your comments. I am leaving you with one of my favorite songs off this album!♥
Monday, November 14, 2011
Bears Week #10
Yes the Bears beat the Lions 37-13. This was one awesome game to watch. The Bears are 6-3 now. This is the Bears fourth straight win now.
The Bears offense and the defense was really on fire for the game yesterday. I couldn't believe it.
Hester had a 82 yard punt return for a touchdown. That was really awesome to see. That was his 17th return for his career.
There was about five interceptions that the Bears got and some of them ended up into touchdowns for the Bears. Fourth Quarter with in the first five minutes the Bears got two of the interceptions.
After the second interception Stafford pulled Moore down by the back of the helmet. Then Moore got up and went and slammed Stafford down to the ground and a big fight broke out on the field. Moore ended up getting ejected from the game. The referee went and did a review of what took place before ejecting Moore from the game.
21 points was by the defense on punt returns for touchdowns.
Like Cutler said it was not a clean or quiet game yesterday.
Next week they have San Diego at home and the time for the game is 315pm.
I would like to hear what you thought of this game!♥
The Bears offense and the defense was really on fire for the game yesterday. I couldn't believe it.
Hester had a 82 yard punt return for a touchdown. That was really awesome to see. That was his 17th return for his career.
There was about five interceptions that the Bears got and some of them ended up into touchdowns for the Bears. Fourth Quarter with in the first five minutes the Bears got two of the interceptions.
After the second interception Stafford pulled Moore down by the back of the helmet. Then Moore got up and went and slammed Stafford down to the ground and a big fight broke out on the field. Moore ended up getting ejected from the game. The referee went and did a review of what took place before ejecting Moore from the game.
21 points was by the defense on punt returns for touchdowns.
Like Cutler said it was not a clean or quiet game yesterday.
Next week they have San Diego at home and the time for the game is 315pm.
I would like to hear what you thought of this game!♥
Friday, November 11, 2011
Veterans Day!
Yes I am late in writing this. I was meaning to get this done last night but I forgot about it with my work.
Yes we are all very lucky for all the men and women out there risking there lives for all of us. Trying to make it a safer place for all of us to live. I am very thankful for them.
I just wish that they would all come home to there families very soon. So none of there families have to worry about them anymore and they can see there children grow up.
I also feel bad for the families that have lost there husband's, wives, sons daughters and grandkids that have died overseas. When I hear about the people that come home and have been killed overseas I feel so bad for the families.
My dad was in the Army and he was in the Forgotten War called the Koren War.
I have a lot of family members and friends that were in the Military. There is my dad, my uncle, my boyfriends dad, my ex husband, my cousin is in the Coast Guards, a friend that is like a brother to me was in the Army and a lot of friends.
My dad use to drive a deuce half truck which is now called a cargo truck. He had a gas tanker on the back of it. He had to drive in the dark and try to miss the mines in the field. My dad would tell us kids about this a lot. I never did mine listening to my dad talk about it because I really enjoyed it. Learning about what my dad went through over there.
Then my uncle would tell us how it was for the Navy over there also. It was not easy for any of them.
I just want to say thank you to all of the men and women in the Military and sacrificing there lives to keep us safe!♥
Yes we are all very lucky for all the men and women out there risking there lives for all of us. Trying to make it a safer place for all of us to live. I am very thankful for them.
I just wish that they would all come home to there families very soon. So none of there families have to worry about them anymore and they can see there children grow up.
I also feel bad for the families that have lost there husband's, wives, sons daughters and grandkids that have died overseas. When I hear about the people that come home and have been killed overseas I feel so bad for the families.

I have a lot of family members and friends that were in the Military. There is my dad, my uncle, my boyfriends dad, my ex husband, my cousin is in the Coast Guards, a friend that is like a brother to me was in the Army and a lot of friends.
My dad use to drive a deuce half truck which is now called a cargo truck. He had a gas tanker on the back of it. He had to drive in the dark and try to miss the mines in the field. My dad would tell us kids about this a lot. I never did mine listening to my dad talk about it because I really enjoyed it. Learning about what my dad went through over there.
Then my uncle would tell us how it was for the Navy over there also. It was not easy for any of them.
I just want to say thank you to all of the men and women in the Military and sacrificing there lives to keep us safe!♥
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
The Holidays Right Around The Corner!
Yes I chose this picture for my kids. They love the Peanuts shows when they were little.
I can't believe it is this time of the year already. Thanksgiving just two weeks away. I am not ready for the Holidays yet.
I still have to do the shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. Last year we went up north for the Thanksgiving. This year with me working we have to stay home because I can only get one Holiday off. So we are going to have are own Thanksgiving dinner at home this year. My older daughter has to work and my son may not be able to make it with my granddaughter. My boyfriends family will not be around either his parents are out of state and his sister is busy with her in-laws.
If I do have to work my boyfriend and my daughter are going to have to make sure that dinner gets done. I will have some of it done the day before so they will not have so much to do. I really like to make the homemade stuffing because it tastes a lot better then the stove top.
Then a month after Thanksgiving is Christmas. That means a lot of baking for me.
Between working and trying to make my Christmas Cookies and keeping the house clean it is going to be crazy for me this year. But it is always worth every minute to me to make my family happy. I did forget one more thing shopping for everyone's Christmas presents.
I will just have to take one day at a time to get this all done. Then when this is all done it is always worth it. Because I feel better when I am baking my Christmas Cookies. I have two taste testers for my cookies to make sure that they taste good that is my boyfriend and my daughter. Some of the cookies are not easy to make so I tell them to stay out of the kitchen when I am making them.
There is one thing I have never told anyone and I want to put it on here. That is I always miss one person every year for the Holidays and that is my dad. He loved this time of the year because of all the decorations to go and drive around and see. He has been gone for about fifteen years now. But for me when this time of the year comes around it is always the hardest for me. I was always closest to my dad and that is probably why it is still so hard for me and also why I decorate my house. I am trying to keep my dad with me for the Holiday.
I will see my kids for Christmas with all the rest of my family. Christmas Eve we will be with my boyfriends family and Christmas Day is with my family. This is all up north and a lot of driving to do but all worth it.
I can't believe it is this time of the year already. Thanksgiving just two weeks away. I am not ready for the Holidays yet.
I still have to do the shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. Last year we went up north for the Thanksgiving. This year with me working we have to stay home because I can only get one Holiday off. So we are going to have are own Thanksgiving dinner at home this year. My older daughter has to work and my son may not be able to make it with my granddaughter. My boyfriends family will not be around either his parents are out of state and his sister is busy with her in-laws.
If I do have to work my boyfriend and my daughter are going to have to make sure that dinner gets done. I will have some of it done the day before so they will not have so much to do. I really like to make the homemade stuffing because it tastes a lot better then the stove top.

Between working and trying to make my Christmas Cookies and keeping the house clean it is going to be crazy for me this year. But it is always worth every minute to me to make my family happy. I did forget one more thing shopping for everyone's Christmas presents.
I will just have to take one day at a time to get this all done. Then when this is all done it is always worth it. Because I feel better when I am baking my Christmas Cookies. I have two taste testers for my cookies to make sure that they taste good that is my boyfriend and my daughter. Some of the cookies are not easy to make so I tell them to stay out of the kitchen when I am making them.
There is one thing I have never told anyone and I want to put it on here. That is I always miss one person every year for the Holidays and that is my dad. He loved this time of the year because of all the decorations to go and drive around and see. He has been gone for about fifteen years now. But for me when this time of the year comes around it is always the hardest for me. I was always closest to my dad and that is probably why it is still so hard for me and also why I decorate my house. I am trying to keep my dad with me for the Holiday.
I will see my kids for Christmas with all the rest of my family. Christmas Eve we will be with my boyfriends family and Christmas Day is with my family. This is all up north and a lot of driving to do but all worth it.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Bears Week #9
Yes the Bears Beat the Eagles 30 - 24. The first quarter I thought that the Bears were going to shut them out. But then the defense was not doing to good. The offense was on fire for the first quarter then somehow they lost it until the fourth quarter.
Cutler was on fire with his passes but the receivers just kept dropping them.
Then Forte went a year and a half with a fumble until last night. That I think was awesome going with a fumble for that long. But why did he have to fumble last night of all nights.
Urlacher was on fire last night too. The way he was slamming the Eagles offense down.
The Eagles lost two players first quarter.
I would really like to hear what you thought of the game last night. I thought is was a really good game.
Friday, November 4, 2011
My Youngest Daughter's Birthday!
Yes my youngest daughter is 19 years old today. I can still remember the day I gave birth to her. Now she is in her first year of college. Where has the time gone?
I can remember taking her to her first day of school. She did not want me to leave her in school she screamed at me not to leave her. But then when I came to pick her up she didn't want to leave school.
Then I can remember the day she graduated 8th grade. I was crying so much because this was my youngest child. Then when she graduated high school this past June I was glad my boyfriend was there with me. We both sat there crying and so did my mom and my son and older daughter.
It is just unbelievable how quick they grow up on you. Especially being a single mom for the last ten years. It was not easy for me to do this by myself. I was so glad my mom was there to help me out with the kids. My mom was there for every concert for my daughter and graduations. The last year and a half she has had the most wonderful man her for her too my boyfriend has been here for her. He loves and cares for my kids like they are his kids. My youngest daughter is lucky for the family she does have and how much we all love her!♥
I can remember taking her to her first day of school. She did not want me to leave her in school she screamed at me not to leave her. But then when I came to pick her up she didn't want to leave school.
Then I can remember the day she graduated 8th grade. I was crying so much because this was my youngest child. Then when she graduated high school this past June I was glad my boyfriend was there with me. We both sat there crying and so did my mom and my son and older daughter.
It is just unbelievable how quick they grow up on you. Especially being a single mom for the last ten years. It was not easy for me to do this by myself. I was so glad my mom was there to help me out with the kids. My mom was there for every concert for my daughter and graduations. The last year and a half she has had the most wonderful man her for her too my boyfriend has been here for her. He loves and cares for my kids like they are his kids. My youngest daughter is lucky for the family she does have and how much we all love her!♥
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
My Birthday Weekend!
We stayed at my mom's place. We didn't get to her house until about 7pm.. We had to stop at my sisters house to get the keys and my son came there with my granddaughter. It was so nice to see her again. She is getting bigger every time I see her.
On Saturday we went to my storage shed up there to get some things out of it. I didn't expect to get my pots and pans out to bring home with us. We ended up having a car full of things to bring home. I also gave my microwave to my mom because she needed one.
This is what we woke up to on Saturday morning. Yes frost on the ground and on our car. This was really sad to look at. But by the time we got ready to go out it was gone. I can tell you this much it was cold up there at night. I was just glad the heater worked really good in the car.
My mom made me a cake and she had some snacks out for us when we got there. Then we went and had dinner with my boyfriends family. Saturday was his sisters birthday and we were able to see her for her birthday. It was really good to see her and her husband. His mom made a really good ham dinner with potatoes, German potato salad, barbeque meatballs, green bean casserole. It was really good. But one this is my boyfriend ate to much cheese and sausage at my mom's and then dinner by his mom and dad's. He had an upset stomach that night.
Another reason we went up there was to see his parents because they are going to be gone the whole month of November. So we will not see them for Thanksgiving.
We both did enjoy ourselves being away from here. I love my boyfriend so much and he is the sweetest man in the world. He will do anything for me to make sure I am happy. But I want him to be just as happy as he makes me. I can tell you one thing we are both so happy when we go up north. Yes we really didn't do much when we went up north but the thing was seeing the family and some friends while we were up there. The main thing for me was just being with the one and only man I love in the world for my birthday!♥
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