Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My First Grandchild!

On Sunday February 6th my son came down here for the Superbowl. He gave me this to let me know that his girlfriend is pregnant. It says " Your going to be a Grandma". My son made this himself. I also got a Valentine's Day card. When I seen this I was so shocked. I called for my boyfriend to show him what it said. In the Valentine's Day card it said to Grandma and Grandpa. That really made both of us happy.

At first I asked my son if this was some kind of a joke. Because his girlfriend was pregnant before and she lost the baby. My son said no she is pregnant. I just couldn't believe it. He said she was pregnant at Christmas and they didn't want to say anything until she seen the doctor and she was further along. Just in case something happened again.

What was really funny about this is I was teasing my boyfriend earlier about being a Grandpa. Then my son comes here and tells me I am going to be a Grandma. My boyfriends Granddaughter calls me Nana.So now my boyfriend teases me about being a Grandma and I tell him I am only as old as I feel.

The baby is due on September 2nd and I can tell you I can't wait to see the baby. This time I can spoil the baby and send it back home to mommy and daddy. We do know it is going to be a girl and her name is Skylee. I am already buying her stuff for the baby shower and for Christmas. I know my boyfriend will be looking for things for her too.

I will keep you up dated when she is born. Yes I am a very proud Grandma right now!


  1. Congratulations! My parents became grandparents for the first time when I was about 5 years old. Now I have an older brother with 4 grandkids and an older sister with her first grandchild due in January.

    May your grandchild bring you as much joy as my nieces and nephews have brought my parents.

  2. Thank you Perlexio. This will be my mom's second great grandchild. I am going to enjoy it a lot when I do get to see her.

    I bet your brother and sister enjoy being with the grandkids. Just wait your time will come for you.
