Yes my Grandson was born on Friday morning. I had gotten a phone call from my mom while I was going around Milwaukee that my Grandson was born. He is 7lbs 15oz and 20 inches long.
I just couldn't wait to get up there to see him. His name is Ace William Drogemuller, yes my son named him after the guitar and bass player from the group KISS. My son wanted to name him after himself which would have been the third but his girlfriend said no. William is after my father, I am happy he decided name him after my dad because I know how much my son loves his Grandpa.
As soon as we walked into the room I was handed my Grandson. I didn't even get a chance to get my jacket off. Then Grandpa went into action taking pictures of Ace and Grandma. I had to have Drew help me get my jacket off, yes I was having a problem taking my jacket off because it was a hoody sweatshirt. It was so nice to be able to hold my Grandson and see the family too. The main thing is that Ace and Mommy are both doing really good and they went home on Monday.
Then we had the jealous big sister Skylee she is thirteen months old. I have never seen her act like this at all but she was so jealous of her brother. If Mom or Dad would hold him she would scream for attention.
So Grandma and Grandpa took her for the night up to Drew's parents house. At first when we got there she was crabby because she didn't know where she was and just woke up from a nap in the car. But she had gotten use to everything and she did really good. In the morning she was given a tour of the house by Great Grandma. After that she was following Great Grandma all over the house.
After Skylee had a bath and Drew and I had our showers we went back to town. Our first stop was to go and say hi to Aunt Kay at her work. It really surprised me that Skylee went right up to Aunt Kay and put her arms up for Aunt Kay to pick her up. We had some shopping to do and we bought both of the kids a pumpkin for Halloween. Skylee had to pick both of them out. Then we went back up to the hospital to see Ace, my son and his girlfriend again. Skylee couldn't get to Daddy quick enough for him to pick her up.
I found this picture on facebook of Skylee holding her little brother Ace. I thought this was so cute and I had to share it with you.
It was a long ride home on Sunday. We left Drew's parents around 10am.. We went to the hospital to say goodbye to everyone and to hold my Grandson one more time before coming home. Then we went to my sisters house to get my youngest daughter and her things packed in the car, we said goodbye to my mom and sister. Then from there we had to take my daughter back to Whitewater to college, get my schedule from work and finally made it home. We did not get home and get the car unpacked until 8pm.. Then I kept my promise to Drew's mom and my mom to call them and let them both know we made it home. Then Drew and I had to be up at 4am. to go to work the next day. We need a vacation from the weekend. Monday at work I felt like I was still on the road driving.
I will say one thing the trip was worth all of it. Because we were able to see all of the family and Drew was able to get some good wildlife pictures and I was able to get some nice fall pictures along the way. Drew asked me on the way home what I thought the highlight of the weekend was I would have to say the whole weekend seeing everyone.